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 Pope Tawadros continued his tour of Europe in Finland with a visit to its Parliament, where he gave souvenirs, pictures and icons of the Messiah, to its members, and listened to an account of the history of the building.
Pope Tawadros left Cairo yesterday for some European cities including Oslo, Helsinki, and Vienna. 
Pope Tawadros II is traveling to Norway and Finland in a four day visit, 19- 21 June. 
Controversy surrounds Mursi's congratulatory Easter message to the Coptic community in Finland and Estonia. However, he did not send a similar message to the Copts in Egypt, who disapproved of his message because Mursi did not acknowledge their Christian festivities and occasions. Additional...
Fanatics lose one round; Nūr Qaldas; Watani Printing and Publishing Corporation; Cairo; June 2010
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