Displaying 121 - 130 of 261.
This article deals with the delicate issue of the wearing of the Niqab in France. Most in France disagree with the wearing of this certain veil because they fear it is a forced wearing by Islamic society, but is not actually the choice of the women wearing. The disagreements are fierce, and even...
The Nag Hammadi sectarian crime which took place on Coptic Christmas Eve, 6 January, and which left six Copts dead and nine wounded, triggered wide protest and rallies by Copts in places as wide apart as Los Angeles, New York, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Athens and Sydney. Mary Joseph sent Watani live...
Le Monde reports on the French government expelling a radical Islamist cleric for sermons which they deemed to be inciting violence. The preacher will now return to his native Egypt, although no information is given as to what will happen to him there.  
Heading in the opposite direction to France, some British local councils hold swimming sessions restricted to those wearing the ‘Burkini’ Islamic swimming costume.
A De-radicalization Conference was held on 2-3 December 2009 in the Golden Tulip Flamingo Hotel, Cairo. The conference was hosted by the Danish-Egyptian Dialogue Institute. About 12 papers were presented, mostly by Egyptians, but with contributions from Norway, Denmark and the United Kingdom. In...
Prominent academic translator Noureddine Zouitni gave a lecture at the Goethe Institute in Cairo and a workshop at CIDT. This is a report on the lecture and the workshop.
Watani reports on the recent Egyptians Against Religious Discrimination conference that was held in the Egyptian capital.
Al-Dawakhilī examines one of the most crucial issues in Egypt; Muslim-Christian relations. He sheds light, in his article, on a number of violent and aggressive incidents that have taken place in different governorates of the country especially in al-Minia which reflects a state of prevailing...
Christine Chaillotis the author of a number of books on Oriental Orthodox Churches. Her first visit to Egypt was in 1981 and since then she has visited the region countless times and feels that the Orthodox Church has become her spiritual home.
Dr. Philippe Fargues is a researcher and professor at the American University of Cairo who has investigated the complicated issue of Christian statistics in Egypt. While Pope Shenouda states that around 12 percent of the Egyptian population is Christian, CAPMAS estimates that the figure is actually...


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