Displaying 1 - 10 of 36.
A Swedish court on Tuesday found a far-right activist guilty of two counts of hate crimes against Muslims over statements he made whilst burning copies of the Qurʾān. This triggered riots in the country in 2022.
The incident of burning a copy of the Holy Qurʾān in Sweden has provoked outrage among people who call for social peace. The act, committed by an Iraqi refugee residing in Sweden named Silwān Mōmīkā, was seen as a flagrant assault on the sanctities of the Islamic religion.   
An Iraqi refugee in Sweden burned a copy of the Holy Qurʾān. This act has been widely condemned as it insults Muslims all over the world and goes against human values and principles.
In a period of fewer than two days, the American, French, German, and Italian embassies sent warnings to the embassies of Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Finland, saying that these countries’ nationals might be subjected to retaliatory attacks by “Islamists”, particularly in Turkey, after a...
In statements broadcast by al-‘Arabiyya News Channel, the Speaker of the Yemeni Parliament Sulṭān al-Burkānī said that the non-implementation of the Stockholm Agreement on Ḥudaydah puts the credibility of the international community at stake, stressing that “The Ḥouthi Militias do not respect any...
The seventh session of the Alexandria Media Forum will be held on Thursday under the title "Media Education and Sustainable Development" in partnership with the American University in Cairo, represented by Kamāl Adham Center for Television and Digital Journalism at the Faculty of International...
Meanwhile, several Coptic leaders in Egypt expressed flat rejection against a conference called “No to marginalization and forced displacement” held on Saturday (Aug. 11) by Bishop Abākīr of Coptic Orthodox Church in Scandinavian countries, headquartered in Sweden.  
Nawāl al-Saʿdāwī talks in this report about the Swedish social leader Anna Sundström.
The legal office of expatriate Copts, headquartered in Switzerland, announced convening a number of workshops for Coptic counselors and lawyers in Geneva, Washington, Sweden and Egypt to offer their visions about the general principles outlining the new constitution. The office underlined the...
Columnist Aḥmad 'Abd al-Rabu wrote in an opinion article published by al- Shurūq about the ranking of Muslim Countries in the Democracy Index, attempting at highlighting the reasons behind the declination of freedoms in those countries and whether it is secular authoritarian or Islamist regimes...


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