Displaying 1 - 10 of 11.
Ambassador Nabīlā Makram ʿAbd al-Shahīd, Minister of State for Emigration and Egyptian Expatriates' Affairs, congratulated Fr. Angelos Saad [Anjīlūs Mikhāʾīl Saʿad], pastor of the Coptic Orthodox Church “Virgin Mary and St. Athanasius Church” by naming the city’s famous Fallingbrook park after him...
Pope Tawadros II arrived in Toronto Airport, Canada.
Nabīlah Makram, Minister of State for immigration and Egyptian Expatriate Affairs, stressed that the government is keen on communicating with the countrymen abroad. Makram affirms that this is especially important as they lack the correct and realistic information about what is happening in their...
The relationship between expatriates living in Egypt and Ramadan can be a love-hate relationship. Some might argue that Ramadan is the ‘most unproductive month of the year’. People work less hours and businesses can get a bit slow. On the other hand, however, very few can deny the level of...
This article discusses the third annual Coptic Studies Symposium at the University of Toronto (U of T), and its importance. 
The article reviews Nadir Fawzī’s advocacy of the Coptic demonstration in front of the White House and the meeting of six Copts in Canada with Bishop Yu’annis.
The article describes the events of the first Coptic Studies Symposium that was recently held at the University of Toronto.
A documentary entitled, ‘The Lost Tomb of Jesus,’ broadcast by the Discovery Channel has raised a new tempest, questioning facts about Jesus as told by the Bible. The documentary claimed that a tomb containing the remains of Jesus and his family was found in a Jerusalem suburb. It showed that the...
The niqāb is stirring controversy in different parts of the World. An Egyptian university professor is to be sued for criticizing it; the Egyptian muftī advises that women don’t wear it and students wearing it will be barred from accessing a university hostel. In Western countries it is regarded as...
Bat Ye´or´s “The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians under Islam” is an example of polemical literature. The book, among other similar writings dominant in the West, shows that Islamic concepts are deliberately misrepresented in the West – which causes frustrations among Muslims. But much polemical...


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