Displaying 231 - 240 of 1233.
Editor AWR: This is just an excellent article! The ‘Persecution Industry’ Paul Sedra describes is causing so much harm to Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt. It is deliberately distorting social realities in Egypt, taking problems that do exist out of context and with this they create fear among...
Acting patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church Bishop Pachomius refused the Salafī Front’s accusations against Bishop Serapion of Los Angeles of involvement in the film denigrating the Prophet Muḥammad, stressing that the church has been in the forefront of parties that criticized the movie. [...
The Muslim Brotherhood reaction toward both situations varied. First when a Danish newspaper published cartoons denigrating the Prophet Muhammad, the second was the recent film offending the Prophet Muhammad that was published in the United States.
Washington Post  published an article by the Muftī of the Republic Dr. 'Alī Jum'ah  with the title "Prophet Muhammad is ‘the mercy to all worlds’ to Muslims: Egypt’s mufti" on September 18, 2012.
Christian denominations warned of the loss of the Egyptian people's right to express their anger towards the "Innocence of Muslims," a film discrediting the Prophet Muhammad, because of the violent acts that erupted around the United States Embassy in Cairo.
President Dr. Muhammad Mursī denounced offending the Prophet Muhammad and stressed in a presidential statement that the Egyptian people, Muslims and Christians, reject the discrediting of religious symbols.
The number of protesters outside the US embassy in Cairo began to decrease Tuesday night after thousands had gathered earlier to protest a film they said was being produced in the United States that insults the Prophet Mohamed.
There was much surprise in the U.S. at Egyptian President Muhammad Mursī’s recent shake-up of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) leadership. The Los Angeles Times suggests that this proves him ‘a better political tactician than many had believed’ [Rīm ‘Abd al-Latīf, Egypt president's...
Who will be Egypt’s next president? Muslim Brotherhood leader Muhammad Mursī or the representative of the old National Democratic Party, Ahmad Shafiq? Both claim victory. Mursī has claimed victory from the first minute that the polling stations closed on June 17. How he could know this? I don’t...
Many Egyptians believe that the US supports Mursī and the Muslim Brotherhood in being the next president and forming the next government of Egypt. As a US-born American, I have always loved my country, but I have seldom been a fan of US-government foreign policy in the Middle East whether...


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