Displaying 641 - 650 of 1233.
It is not true that the movie Kingdom of Heaven has been fair to Arabs and tolerant of Islam. On the contrary, it supported the everlasting Western theory of depicting European commanders as having immense human kindness and that they only enter wars for the sake of the people, while the Arabs...
For the first time in the history of world cinema, the accusations, dished out against one of the movies, were of bias in favor of the Arabs versus European fanatics. For the first time also, the ball is now in the court of the Christian fundamentalists in the United States and Europe, who now...
Transcribed by: Susan Richards-BensonThe following present a transcript of an interview with Tarek Heggy. Heggy discusses a number of issues, centered around his controversial article ‘If I were a Copt.’ He comments on current events in Egypt and the Arab world, and present his opinion on issues...
The following article lists examples of Muslim-Christian incidents since 1996 with an analysis of the different causes leading to such unfortunate incidents. This report was presented to the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Council for Human Rights.
Muḥammad Fatḥī interviews ‘Amr Khalid and discusses The New York Times celebration where Khalid has been selected as one of the 100 most influential people in the world,
During its campaigns for the Shūrá Council elections, the Muslim Brotherhood issued an electoral platform that underlines the importance of general freedoms. Believing that Copts are welcome to all posts, it also supports the role played by the church in implementing social norms. The platform is...
The author investigates an incident in Iraq, where a Fatwá was issued to the Assyrian Christian residents in a suburb of Baghdad, to convert to Islam or face death. He reviews the responses to the crisis, and provides his own perspective on the issue.
A group of Coptic Orthodox clergymen launch a big campaign against the “autocracy” of Bishop Bīshūy, general secretary of the Holy Synod. The report made accusations against Bishop Bīshūy and severely criticized his policy and questioned the legitimacy of his ordination.
The author highlights Coptic antiquities and art, and their contribution to history.
The author discusses the situation of Muslims in Turkey, and the increasing levels of restrictions being imposed upon them.


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