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David D. Grafton is a Lutheran pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, and a scholar of both Christianity and Islam. As a scholar Dr. Grafton is explicitly involved in interfaith relations as a graduate of Christian theology and a professor of Islamic Studies. While serving as pastor...
In this final installment of a three part series on the life of Nasr Hāmid Abū Zayd, Professor Stefan Wild of Bonn University paints a picture of the life and work of the late Egyptian scholar....  
The article discusses Pope Shenouda’s trip toe the U.S. and the honors that were bestowed on him for his contributions to the Coptic community and faith.
The author considers the phenomenon of Islamophobia in the West. He provides examples of incidents that may have further fueled this phenomenon, including the incident of the “flying imāms,” where a U.S. Airways flight in Minneapolis was temporarily grounded after passengers reported six Muslims...
Transcript of a speech presented by William Dalrymple at the American University in Cairo, highlighting his experiences traveling to Christian Holy sites throughout the Middle East, as well as his personal interpretation of political Islām. He includes references to both historical and present day...
Subtitle:Will I convert from Islam? A serious confession - our Islam is about to collapseEl- Muslimun of July 18 laments that Muslims exert much effort to get Christians to say the Islamic creed, but once they are Muslim, very little is done to help the new converts. Several examples of converts’...
Arabs are continuously receiving information that seems to indicate that the US indeed launched a crusade against the Islamic world. Some of this material originated with Christian leaders and organizations in the US and was misinterpreted in some Arab media. It is dangerous to continue feeding the...
Adam Shapiro is a Jewish pacifist who believes he serves a purpose in life by being a human shield. He belongs to the “internationals,” as they call themselves and oppose violence of any kind. They do not condone Palestinian suicide bombings, just as they do not condone Israeli military assaults on...
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