Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
Ma’mūn Findī writes about the danger of resorting to the US and interfering in Egyptian affairs.
Amin Makram Ebeid's review of Jayson Casper's ZIVIC paper on peacebuilding in Egypt (AWR 2010 Week 2 Article 2)
The key to encouraging people to respect other’s beliefs is education, believes Dr. Amīn Makram ‘Ubayd. According to him, state schools should promote the brotherhood of all citizens, not the followers of one religion above the others.   An ideal state school system should be non religious, but...
The renowned scholar John Esposito has published his views on the effect that the election of President Obama will have on U.S relations with the Middle East. He comments that in the Muslim world, as in Europe and much of the world, Obama is welcomed as an internationalist president.
Dr. Amīn Makram ‘Ubayd introduces himself to readers of AWR, wanting to dedicate his efforts “towards a mission of progress energized by a will to see obscurantism defeated, fanaticism vanquished and poverty conquered.” “Writing,” Dr. ‘Ubayd writes, “associated with a fair degree of research, put...
The article gives information about the geography and demography of Afghanistan and its economic indicators. This is in addition to a historical background that has to do with the Soviet occupation, the civil war and the Taliban government.
Seven years ago, when George Bush, the son, was elected as the governor of Texas, the press wrote that he said "those who do not believe in Jesus Christ will not enter heaven". When the anger of the Jews was aroused because of his words, he sent a correction to the Jewish association Bne Brith, in...
The discussion at the press conference of the New York Council of Churches on June 28 [transcript presented in last week’s RNSAW] was mainly with members of the American Coptic Union. Before the press conference Drs. Cornelis Hulsman interviewed Rafique Iscander, chairman and founder of the...
An American Muslim couple was false accused of mistreating their children. The intention of the paper is to show that there are examples where Muslims are not treated correctly in the West.
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