Date of source: Sunday, October 1, 2006
Jamāl al-Bannā was born in 1920 in al-Mahmūdiyyah in al-Bihīrah governorate, Egypt. His elder brother was al-Imām Ḥasan al-Bannā, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Despite being the brother of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Bannā pursued quite different interests. al-Bannā...
Date of source: Tuesday, May 19, 2015
This year’s conference, attended by some of the most important Muslim thinkers and scholars will focus on communication with the youth. It will attempt to correct false ideas about Islam, and confront the extremist and takfīrī currents within the religion. The conference is being held by the...
Date of source: Friday, December 1, 2006
Ayman Muḥammad Rabīʿ al-Ẓawāhirī is a Muslim who claims that he is committed to bring the golden age of the caliphate back, and advocates a violent means of jihād to achieve his objectives. His own native country Egypt, along with many other countries, considers him a terrorist. During the 1990s,...
Date of source: Thursday, March 1, 2007
ʿAmru Mūsā; an Egyptian politician and diplomat who holds the position of Secretary-General of the Arab Leagueand plays a pivotal role in negotiations around most of the major disputes in the Arab world. Such negotations are in regards to the disputes between Morocco and Algeria over Western Sahara...
Date of source: Monday, May 18, 2015
In an article published in the British journal, “The Independent,” reporter Robert Fisk described legislation to criminalize boycotting Israel as being stupid and in conflict with the foundations of democracy. The law, championed by Canada’s conservative leader, Stephen Harper, would define...
Date of source: Sunday, May 17, 2015
Different branches of the Egyptian government repudiated international criticism of the death sentences which an Egyptian court gave to Mursī and more than 100 others. The sentences are now being reviewed by the Grand Mufti for a final decision. Germany’s foreign minister suggested that the...
Date of source: Wednesday, May 13, 2015
A group of 64 French intellectuals demanded that there be a distinction made between anti-Semitism and general political criticism. In an open letter signed by the group in a French newspaper, the group claimed that it is the right of the Palestinians to have a state and to be able to achieve their...
Date of source: Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Robert Fisk said that Qatar is playing a dangerous game in Egypt pointing to journalist Muhammad Fahmī who was imprisoned by the Egyptian government for 411 days. Fisk explained that Fahamī is convening a conference called “Journalism is not Political” in which he is expected to talk about al-...
Date of source: Saturday, May 7, 2016
Israeli newspaper, Jewish Journal, drew attention to a report published by Amnesty International on World Press Freedom Day confirming that there are at least 18 journalists being detained in Egyptian prisons only because they are journalists. The report asserts, “if anyone challenges the...