Displaying 671 - 680 of 1776.
Zakhir: Candidates to succeed the Pope not guilty of spreading death rumor.  
What had been planned as a “Friday of unifying the ranks” ended, as unanimously agreed by the Egyptian media, as a “Friday of splitting the ranks”. While the day began with various political groups, including Islamists, converging on Tahrir Square in numbers that came close to a million, it ended...
This subject is not as easy to address as it may appear at first glance. The references are scattered through folds in the tapestry of time, so to truly understand this topic one must spend time and delve deep into its past."
MEMRI made excerpts of an interview with Egyptian screenwriter Wahid Hamed, which aired on Al-Hayat TV on June 5, 2011. Wahid Hamed is certainly right that “Differences of opinion between people or politicians should never be construed as opposition to the religion. Religion is sacred to all. […]”...
  Former enemies in a bitter sectarian conflict, Imam Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye now work together for peace between their respective Muslim and Christian communities in Nigeria. They recently held a pair of peacebuilding workshops in Cairo hosted by CAWU....   There is a full-text...
Field Marshal Husayn Tantāwī, the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), received on Wednesday (June 29, 2011) Ambassador William Burns, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State, and his accompanying delegation, currently on a visit to Egypt. The meeting took up recent developments in...
  Is Islam responsible for the recent increase in sectarian violence against Coptic Christians? AWR Chief Editor Cornelis Hulsman responds in this week's editorial.      
For years I have been extremely cautious with reports published by Jihād Watch and AINA (a source often quoted by Jihād Watch). Their language tends to be inflammatory and stories that I was able to check in the past – see the many reports about this subject in AWR – proved to be exaggerated....
The attack on the church in Alexandria this weekend marked a new deep trench in the deteriorating relations between Muslims and Christians in Egypt. Shortly before this act of terror, Trouw gauged the atmosphere among Egyptian Christians and Muslims. See footnote 1 in the full text. This text is...
Is the church in Egypt persecuted? Many Coptic Christians would answer in the affirmative. I definitely agree that the situation for Christians in Egypt has worsened but I do not agree using the word persecution before we have first agreed on a definition and compare facts on the ground with this...


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