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At the 2024 Indonesia International Islamic Book Fair, the Muslim Council of Elders’ pavilion took home the Best Pavilion Award, making it stand out among the local and international institutions, organizations, and publishing firms that were present.
Al-Azhar’s Grand Imām, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyeb, stated that teaching children to memorize the Holy Qurʾān was his greatest wish and that he was prepared to resign from being the president of al-Azhar to fulfill this desire.
Grand Imām of al-Azhar, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, said his top wish was to teach children how to memorize the Holy Qurʾān, adding that he is ready to quit the al-Azhar presidency to make this wish come true.
The year 2023 has seen strenuous efforts by the Muslim Council of Elders, led by Grand Imām of al-Azhar, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, with the aim of activating the role of religious leaders in confronting global challenges and contributing to finding concrete solutions, namely in the climate change issue.
The Coptic Orthodox Church Official Spokesman Būlus Halīm stated that the registration procedures of three new churches in Indonesia are currently underway, bringing the number of Coptic Orthodox churches in there to five. 
Daniel van der Meulen (1894-1989) deeply influenced the choice of Cornelis Hulsman to focus his studies on Muslim-Christian relations. This text describes the life and work of Daniel van der Meulen.
We find it special to experience these events in Egypt. It is, however, not our first such experience. In 1998 we lived in Jakarta and experienced the fall of Suharto, 2nd president of Indonesia (1967-1998). We moved to Macedonia, just when the Kosovo war started. We also experienced the civil war...
It is not possible for the Vatican to adopt any doctrine but that of Jesus Christ, because to do so would demolish its role and mission. So the formula of dialogue is careful and clear, it means only coexistence, and fraternity, but not dialogue concerning, nor the solution of, pending issues.
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