Displaying 311 - 320 of 385.
A professor of Mass Communication at Misr International University conducted a study titled "Actively engaging the media to enhance the image of Islam and Muslims in the US." He elaborates on how Muslims can improve their media to correct the Western image of Islam. He writes that Muslims should...
The rumors of US interference in Assiut probably started with an article titled "The American embassy occupies Assiut," Sout Al-Umma, April 28, 2003 [AWR week 17, art. 3]. The Sout al-Umma article is extremely negative and one wonders if not at least part of it is the consequence of rivalry between...
The difference between the Israeli and Egyptian press in reporting news related to the Palestinian and Israeli attacks reflect the polarization taking place. A major difference is in reporting and selecting news and quotes. That is most remarkable in the way the Palestinian condemnation of the...
Christianity Today, a major US publication, published a highly distorted article on Christians in Egypt, making claims that are simply false or cannot be substantiated. Christianity Today based itself on material obtained from Operation World and other sources. Operation World admits they must have...
Ijtihad is no longer bringing about new human opinions that consider the conditions and changes of life but is simply studying the opinions of the predecessors and try to discover rules in their work. Those rules have been turned into holy rules without which no ijtihad can be made. Such...
Many people speak about the political ‘injustice’ that many Muslims detect in the policies of the West. It is this sense of injustice that encouraged the Turkish terrorist Sokarra, who dated girls, and drank alcohol, to join the al-Qācīda camps. Yet this shallow explanation of the phenomenon of...
President Bush’s enterprise to democratize the Middle East must be seriously tackled by policy makers in the Arab region. It is the primary element in the American war on terrorism as it is the ‘only solution to eliminate terrorism.’
President Bush’s enterprise to democratize the Middle East must be seriously addressed by policy makers in the Arab region. It is a priority in the American war on terrorism, since democratization is considered the only way to eliminate terrorism.
Militarized Islamist fundamentalism, or what is now known as al-Qācida, is responsible for all this death and destruction. They were responsible for the 9/11 attacks and the bombings of the US embassies in Nairobi and Dar el Salaam in 1998, which killed more than 200 people, mostly civilians.
Muslims are no doubt responsible for their religion being abused. They helped through their actions, which are not related to Islamic teachings, in accusing their religion of terrorism and blood thirst.


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