Displaying 1 - 10 of 181.
On Sunday, Kabul once again fell under the control of the Taliban [Ṭālibān], as the movement began a new era of hard-line rule in the city, twenty years after their removal from power.    Today, regional and national voices warn of the consequences of Taliban's takeover of the government. Questions...
1. Anton Wessels, The Grand Finale. The Apocalypse in the Tanakh, the Gospel, and the Qur’an, Translated by Henry Jansen and Lucy Hofland, Wipf & Stock, Eugene, Oregon, 2020, 321 pp. Paperback $ 35 E-book $ 9.99 This English version is dedicated to Professor Saeid Edalatnejad of the...
Several Arab governments, specifically in the Gulf, are having a tough time dealing with the results of the American presidential elections as their favored candidate, Donald Trump, lost to Joe Biden, whose policies are expected to be more critical towards them.
The Bahāʾī Faith is a monotheistic religion that affirms the spiritual unity of the human race, focusing on three pillars that form the foundation of its teachings. 
Throughout his life, AWR friend Henk Glimmerveen (1923-2020) showed that engaged citizens can make a difference.
  The talk of the closure of the Strait of Hormuz by the Iranian authorities was brought back after US President Donald Trump announced cancelation of the exemptions for the purchase of Iranian oil without sanctions. The American declaration was met by Tehran with an escalation in the strait,...
Yemeni people are the last victims of the Arab Spring. In the aftermath of the Arab Spring, people filled the streets of Yemen, demanding change in the regime of the government of Ṣāliḥ. The wide national uprising against ʿAlī ʿAbd Allāh Ṣāliḥ was also representing minority groups such as the Ḥūthī...
According to Eli Ben Meir, a former head of the Research Department in the Military Intelligence Directorate (Aman), Israel is dealing with several security challenges between them the Iranian threat, the situation in Syria and the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. However, the Government must...
Israeli President, Reuven Rivlin, stated on his speech for the Holocaust Remembrance Day, “Europe is facing the revival of anti-Semitism and racism, driven by immigration waves, economical crisis and disappointment towards the political establishment that are finding their way to European...
The churches, both in Egypt and throughout the world, cried over the Notre Dame fire that consumed the roof of the cathedral before toppling one of its massive towers.  


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