Displaying 11 - 18 of 18.
The author discusses trends of political Islam and terrorist attacks in the West. He questions why British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has not stated that Muslims worldwide should condemn terrorism.
This paper was written for the occasion of the U.N. International Day of Peace, September 21, 2006, and discusses the topic, the Bahā’ī Perspective on World Peace. In the historical analysis at the beginning, an internalization of trade and law is analysed with the development of a tight network of...
The speech given by Lord Carey, former archbishop of Canterbury, at the opening of the second theological college in Alexandria.
After the attacks of September 11, a kind of polarization happened with the followers of the three heavenly religions. Moderates from the three religions can unite and form a religious coalition. The current war will not be able to put an end to terrorism. Accordingly, there should be an...
Hamas received a serious and surprising blow in Jordan when plainclothes intelligence officers stormed and closed down the offices of four Amman-based Hamas representatives on Monday [August 30, 1999]. They arrested 15 activists. In addition, a summons warrant was issued for the four top-ranking...
Egypt and Iran are discussing a street sign in Tehran named after Khaled el-Islambouli, the man who killed late president Sadat in 1981. Full diplomatic ties between the two countries can only be restored after this street name is removed.
In light of the recent re-instating of the Khomeini Fatwa against Salman Rushdie by Iran’s radical groups, Rushdie is to meet with British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook to discuss his security.
Iran has disarmed against its number one public enemy Salman Rushdie who was hunted by the Fatwa (Islamic religious decree) declared by the late Ayatollah Khomeni, and issued more than nine years ago.


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