Displaying 201 - 210 of 724.
Who will be Egypt’s next president? Muslim Brotherhood leader Muhammad Mursī or the representative of the old National Democratic Party, Ahmad Shafiq? Both claim victory. Mursī has claimed victory from the first minute that the polling stations closed on June 17. How he could know this? I don’t...
Many Egyptians believe that the US supports Mursī and the Muslim Brotherhood in being the next president and forming the next government of Egypt. As a US-born American, I have always loved my country, but I have seldom been a fan of US-government foreign policy in the Middle East whether...
Kees, Cornelis Hulsman, a prominent Dutch reporter who has been covering Egypt's news, especially those related to the Egyptian Coptic community since 1976. Hulsman is seen in the Netherlands as one of the one of the reference figures and experts in the Egyptian affairs. Hulsman is invited to...
The headlines in the West will read, ‘Mubārak sentenced to life imprisonment.’ They may also say, ‘Egyptians take to the street in protest.’ Confused? Unless one reads more deeply the obvious connection must be that protestors wanted his head, literally. The reality is rather simple, just not...
The Muslim Brotherhood set Egyptian politics ablaze with their decision to nominate their chief financier, Khairat al-Shātir, for the presidency. All political groups recognize the right of the group to do so but many have criticized them harshly, recalling their promise from early in the...
This month has seen a scathing battle in the mass media over visits by some Egyptian Christian citizens to Jerusalem, soon followed by another wrangling over a visit by Muftī of the Republic ‘Alī Jum’ah to the holy city, where he led worshippers for prayers at al-Aqsá Mosque.
Hundreds of Copts are visiting Jerusalem during the Passion Week for the first time since the death of Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III who prohibited pilgrimage to Jerusalem out of opposition to the Israeli occupation of the holy city, according to officials from the Egyptian carrier Air Sinai...
 [AWR: this interview was recorded, transcribed and translated by Diana Maher Ghali]
Copts, who are brothers and partners in the nation, enjoy the rights to any state positions depending on efficiency just like any Muslim citizen except those of al-Azhar, said presidential hopeful Muhammad Salīm al-‘Awwā. [Michel ‘Abd Allāh, al-Shurūq al-Jadīd, March 18, p. 4] Read original text in...


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