Displaying 281 - 290 of 724.
The Coptic Orthodox Pope Withdraws His Church’s Membership from the Middle East Council of Churches Amid Controversy Within the Organization.   
Lam‘ī reports on the western inference in the Middle East region and the role of Arabs in resistance. 
This article reflects on the Muslim reactions to Netanyahu’s claim that Jerusalem, or Zion, is mentioned in the Bible as the homeland of the Jews 850 times.
This review deals with controversial statements made by the minister of Awqāf (Endowments), Mahmūd Hamdī Zaqzūq, who openly expressed readiness to visit Jerusalem. However, he said that does not mean he calls for normalization of relations with Israel.
This article focuses on Archbishop Bīshūy’s statements concerning entering the Palestinian territories. He refuses to enter in a way that would place an Israeli stamp in his passport
Al-Wafd reports on the Coptic Orthodox Church’s alleged withdrawal from the Middle East Council of Churches. The Coptic Orthodox Church has yet to officially announce this decision.
On April 8 Tariq Ramadan delivered his first public address in the U.S. since the Bush administration revoked his visa in 2004. Ramadan in known for his ability to speak favorably to both leftists and Islamists. However some have derided Ramadan as much more radical than he initially appears. Other...
Moná Abū Sakīn criticizes expatriate Coptic activist Morris Sādiq, in particular for his stance on the issue of Israel and Palestine.
 AWR Editor-in-chief Cornelis Hulsman’s article for the Reformatorisch Dagblad on the release of Dr. M. De Blois’ new book “Israel: a state in discussion?”
This article discusses the appropriateness of Egyptian knowledge concerning Israeli arts and culture. It is argued that it is important for Egypt to be a part of the global culture, and so have a vast understanding of the world around them. This includes Israel, although many in Egypt consider...


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