Displaying 561 - 570 of 724.
“A Knight Without a Horse” is strongly Egyptian nationalistic, a sentiment that fits well with the current sentiment of nationalism in Egypt. The anti-semitic “protocols of the Elders of Zion” are not the only source but one of the sources used for this film.
Arabs invented the term “Zionist Christianity” to explain American support for Israel, not considering the fact that “interests” govern international relationships. They believe that the USA is a materialistic society where religion has no importance. But, then they contradict themselves by...
"We plead with you as Christian leaders, who are concerned about both Palestinians and Israelis and with the future of their children, to help both sides equally implement peace and justice."
It was a sight sickening to hundreds of millions of Christians and the source of outrage among senior clerics across the world. A tower of smoke uncoiled high above the rooftops of Bethlehem yesterday, testimony to a fire burning by the church marking the place of Christ´s birth.
Adam Shapiro is a Jewish pacifist who believes he serves a purpose in life by being a human shield. He belongs to the “internationals,” as they call themselves and oppose violence of any kind. They do not condone Palestinian suicide bombings, just as they do not condone Israeli military assaults on...
This article opposes the use of the phrase ´Islamic terror.´ There is a lot of spin, and the media takes it for granted. Islamic Terror exists in the same way and to the same extent as the Jewish Conspiracy and Yellow Peril. In other words, none of them exist.
The effects of the past 19 months of intifada and the last three weeks of war on Palestinian society have been dramatic and have made an indelible mark whose impact will be felt for many years to come. Palestinian society has lost its hope and its faith that peace is a possibility. Palestinian...
The RNSAW sent the summary of Akher Saa to the Seventh-day Adventist Church and received a response of the chairman of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Egypt.
Media critique on the Palestinian issue in the Egyptian Press. Meeting with Bible Society director Ramez Atallah about the way the Bible has been translated into Arabic.
The article in al-Musawwar has, in all likelyhood, a political background. It helps the government to test the ground whether or not the Mormon church should be granted a permit to function in Egypt.


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