Displaying 81 - 90 of 250.
A group of Coptic businessmen in Stockholm established an investment company in order to start a bank. International Egypt One Bank was launched with an initial capital of 100 million Euros with shareholders from Egyptians living all over the world, including Lebanon and Syria. Managing Director...
Ramzī Zaqlamah discusses whether determining the specific number of Copts in Egypt is important. He says an accurate number does not exist because Copts tend to over-count and Muslims usually tend to under-count, wrongfully linking population numbers with rights and duties towards the nation. He...
In this final installment of a three part series on the life of Nasr Hāmid Abū Zayd, Professor Stefan Wild of Bonn University paints a picture of the life and work of the late Egyptian scholar....  
Lam‘ī says that Hizb Allāh leader Hasan Nasr Allāh is both a curse and a blessing for Lebanon because he represents both the resistance against Israel, as well as a defect in the Lebanese government by his group’s mere existence. He talks about the allegations of Hizb Allāh being involved in Rafīq...
This article deals with the problem of Muslims electing Coptic Christian presidents and officials.
Heated international political controversies and events continue to associate Islam with violence and intolerance.
This article outlines the importance of the coming year in the political climate of Egypt. All houses of Parliament and presidential elections will take place, and it should be an important part in the lives of all Egyptians. The author also compares voter turn out in Egypt to many other countries...
 Cornelis Hulsman's farewell speech given at Cairo University in June 2009.
Pope Shenouda’s personal secretary, Bishop Butrus, represents the Coptic Orthodox Church at the conference of the Middle East Council of Churches instead of Bishop Bīshūy.
This article focuses on the story of an Armenian orphanage during the 1915 Armenian genocide in Turkey. Many children whose parents were killed were sent to an orphanage near Beirut, where they were beaten, malnourished, and forced to convert to Islam. Many of these children died there.


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