Displaying 91 - 100 of 107.
Al-Wafd starts a series of articles on the future of movements of political Islam in Egypt, their attitude towards democracy, participation and circulation of authority. In this article it reviews the most important Islamic movements that adopted violence in order to reach power and their attitude...
The German Pontifical Mission Aid Society Missio organized a two-day conference with the title "Persecuted Christians? Analysis from Asia and Africa." Missio invited representatives from Nigeria, Pakistan, Syria, the Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt to their conference who asked for care in using the word ’...
Michael Meunier, president of US Copts Association, was upset about the statements Al-Ahram, January 31, attributed to bishop Yo’annis, secretary of H.H. Pope Shenouda, in which he supposedly criticized the World Council of Churches which was seen as a response to a statement of the World Council...
Foreign intelligence reports have revealed that Ben Laden has nominated the Egyptian Mohammed Atef, known as Abu Hafs, as his successor in the event of his arrest or death. Arab witnesses backed the report whilst officials from the White House said that arresting Ben Laden, although highly...
In this article the author reviews the conversion experience of a Jew who converted to Islam
In this article, Mustafa Mahmoud speaks about the true meaning of Shari’a [Islamic law], to whom it has been given and on whose shoulders rests the responsibility of applying it. He comments on the attitude of those who exploit Shari’a in their demonstration saying what Khalid Mohammed Khalid said...
What does the Brotherhood have that scares the government? One of the deputies of the General Guide of the Brotherhood is a Syrian. How can Egyptian’s accept this, the paper asks. The arrests of major members of the Brotherhood have caused an internal turmoil. Some Brothers see the crackdown as a...
Pakistan will not allow use of its territory for any action against alleged terrorist Osama bin Laden, the Minister of Interior said. His remarks followed a flurry of unconfirmed reports in the local Press that American commandos were in Pakistan for an operation to detain the alleged terrorist.
Islam is the fastest growing religion in America and expected to soon command the largest following in the country after Christianity. Many employers are unfamiliar with Islam, which is practiced by 1.2 billion people worldwide, and often don’t know how to handle Muslims’ requests.
A new book appeared in the French markets. It is dealing with terrorism and connecting it with the Islamic terrorism. The importance of this book is due to the importance of its author who is the head of the international observatory of terrorism.


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