Displaying 21 - 30 of 41.
It was a sight sickening to hundreds of millions of Christians and the source of outrage among senior clerics across the world. A tower of smoke uncoiled high above the rooftops of Bethlehem yesterday, testimony to a fire burning by the church marking the place of Christ´s birth.
Review on how the Palestinian issue is approached by different groups.
The Coptic Orthodox Church’s commemoration of King Herod’s murder of the children in Bethlehem
Christianity Today published a cover page article of Cornelis Hulsman about the Coptic Orthodox tradition of the Flight to Egypt. The article is presented in this issue of the RNSAW with permission of Christianity Today. You will find here the text before it was edited by Christianity Today. It is...
A tree Egyptian Christians believe bowed before Christ has been cut down in a tussle over land. Farmers, fearing the government was planning to encroach on their land to build a protective wall, cut down the Worshipping Tree earlier this month. Police and antiquities department officials in Cairo...
The author, who is the Patriarch of the Catholic Copts, comments on the Birth of Christ saying that it was the birth of peace, love, equality among mankind and a starting point for a new humanity that forms one family whose father is God. He asked God to keep president Mubarak safe and healthy and...
Pope John Paul II encourages the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, the Catholic Bishops of the Holy Land and the leaders of the Christian communities, to renew their efforts to ensure that relationships between all are inspired by mutual respect, in humility and trust. He also appeals to Jewish and...
The annual feast of the Holy Virgin in Deir Rafat in the Palestinian territories usually draws 3000 to 4000 pilgrims. However, this year the number was not more than 300-400 people only, due to the actual situation, especially because all the Christian Palestinians from the Palestinian territories...
Pax Christi, the international Catholic peace movement, has been monitoring closely the developments in the Middle East. This year, the Arab Education Institute in Bethlehem became an Affiliated Organization with the movement. Pax Christi has been organizing several fact finding missions and...
On October 25, the Jerusalem Post published an article about hundreds of Palestinian Christians fleeing the Palestinian territories. An Israeli spokesman referred in this regard to a radical sermon of Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Abu Halabiya. This article, like the sermon of the Palestinian preacher,...


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