Displaying 1 - 10 of 16.
Dr. Naẓīr ʿAyyād, Secretary-General of al-Azhar’s Islamic Research Academy, said al-Azhar praises the role played by the State of Qatar, along with other Arab countries, in supporting the Palestinian cause and condeming the massacres committed by the Zionist entity against innocent Palestinians,...
Yūsuf Al-Qaradāwī, head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, died today, Monday, after a long struggle with illness.   Al-Qaradāwī was born in September 1926 in the village of Ṣafṭ Turāb, the center of al-Maḥalla al-Kubrā, in the Gharbiyya Governorate.
An official in the National Committee for Human Rights in Qatar has revealed that the Committee has ordered the Qatari authorities to cooperate with their Egyptian counterparts, the National Council of Human Rights in Egypt, with the aim of solving the issue regarding the return of 400 Egyptians...
The President of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, Aḥmad al-Raysūnī, has caused outrage by issuing a fatwā  permitting Muslims to visit al-Aqṣā Mosque in Jerusalem, affirming that “not everyone who visits Jerusalem commits a wrongdoing or is calling for normalisation”. The International...
Egyptian Minister of Endowments Muḥammad Mukhtār Jumʿa said in a statement issued last Wednesday that the entity called "International Union of Muslim Scholars" has no credibility and it issues statements supporting terrorist ideology.
Al-Jazeera's Chairman Wadah Khanfar declared that he would be stepping down from his position after 8 years. There is much controversy surrounding this, as a Wikileaks cable recently released shows his cooperation with some American intelligence services.
Al-Jazeera's Chairman Wadah Khanfar declared that he would be stepping down from his position after 8 years. There is much controversy surrounding this, as a Wikileaks cable recently released shows his cooperation with some American intelligence services.
The International Union for Muslim Scholars convened a meeting two days ago in Doha.
The so called curse of the Muslim Brotherhood’s diaspora also affects al-Jamā’ah al-Islāmīah, most recently by a decision to expel the Muslim Brotherhood from the capital of Qatar, Dūhah.
General Jamāl Abd al- Barī the General Director of the Egyptian Interpol stated that the Egyptian security forces started pursing Muslim Brotherhood leaders requested in judicial cases who have escaped to Qatar.


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