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The Egyptian Small Enterprise Development Foundation is experiencing fast growth in demand for their services and Muṣṭafā Yāssīn talks about what he sees to be the reasons.
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Muṣṭafā Yāssīn who works for the Egyptian Small Enterprise Development Foundation, that was founded in...
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Interviewer: Eline Kasanwidjojo
Language of interview: English (original interview) English (presented transcript)
Transcript: Eline Kasanwidjojo
Approval: Requested and no objection received
This is an interview with Dr. Kamāl al-Hilbāwī, a former member of the Muslim Brotherhood...
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Metropolitan Bīshūy, an Orthodox Copt is seen by many as a controversial figure for his outspoken statements in regards to other Christian denominations. In this interview, he is asked to comment on the Christian traditions in Egypt and refer to the Bible stories in regards to the Holy...
Date of source: Saturday, April 30, 2016
On Saturday, the Copts celebrate the Holy Saturday also known as "Joyous Saturday" or "the Saturday of Light" among Coptic Christians. Holy Saturday is the day before Easter and the last day of Holy Week in which Christians prepare for Easter. It commemorates the day that Jesus Christ's body lay in...
Date of source: Friday, April 29, 2016
Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the Diocese of St. Mark, will preside over the Mass of the Easter Feast tomorrow evening. The Pope will also welcome the guests congratulating his Holiness after tomorrow at the papal Seat of the Cathedral of St. Mark, al-ʿAbbasiyah.
Date of source: Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Pope Tawadros II, the Pope of Alexandria, the Patriarch of St. Mark Diocese, received on Wednesday Counselor Aḥmad Jamāl ad-Dīn, President of the Court of Cassation and Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council. Ad-Dīn headed a delegation of judges to offer greetings to the Pope on the occasion of...
Date of source: Thursday, June 1, 2006
ʿAmrū Khālid was born in a well-off family in 1967 in Alexandria, Egypt. From 1998 onwards Khālid became a full time dāʿiyah as he expanded his enterprise to satellite-television with his first tele-preacher show. Khālid aims at a revival of the Arab world pointing to the current obvious...
Date of source: Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Muḥammad Khayrat al-Shāṭir is generally seen as the financial leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. He was elected deputy to the Supreme Guide of the organization in 2003. al-Shāṭir was born May 5, 1950, in al-Daqahlīyah, Egypt. He has been active in Islamic, political activities since the...
Date of source: Sunday, January 5, 2014
The governor of Alexandria, Tāriq al-Mahdī, offered special congratulations to Pope Tawadros II and to all the Copts, in particular the Copts of Alexandria. He said that there is a comprehensive security plan for all churches in the city on the day of Christmas celebrations, and special...
Date of source: Saturday, July 25, 2015
Within the framework of the program Support Cultural Diversity and Creativity in Egypt, a project co-funded by the European Union and orchestrated by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the latter organizes a project for Egyptian youth under the name of "Questions On The Cultural Movements"; hosted by...