Displaying 21 - 30 of 39.
A fact-finding commission sent by the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR) to investigate the sectarian unrest in the troubled district of al-'Āmrīyah, Alexandria, revealed that the Christian families forced to leave their homes and property after clashes over a purported love affair...
The People's Assembly's Human Rights Committee refused forced displacement of some persons from their original residential areas on the grounds that it violates human rights principles. The committee, during a meeting held by chairman Muhammad Anwar 'Ismat al-Sadāt to discuss the urgent statement...
Presidential hopeful 'Amr Mūsá expressed discontent of the forced departure of Christian families in al-'Āmrīyah, adding this can never be accepted under any circumstances. 
Salafīs have saved the village of Sharbāt, al-Nahdāh neighborhood, in the western Alexandria district of al-'Āmrīyah, from a conflagration that could have consumed everyone in its way, said the spokesman for the Salafī al-Nūr (Light) Party, the second largest in the Egyptian parliament. 
“The Maspero Youth Union (MYU) and other political movements started a march on Sunday (February 12) from ‘Abd al-Mun’im Riyād to the People’s Assembly to support MPs raising the issue of the Copts of al-‘Āmirīyah, Alexandria, who were forced to leave their dwelling places last week over a...
Fādī Yūsuf, the general coordinator for the Egypt Copts Coalition, said the group will protest outside the People's Assembly (parliament) against the incidents of al-'Āmrīyah, Alexandria, and the expulsion of eight Christian families and unlawfully wasting their private property. The move comes in...
Lawmaker Dr. ‘Imād Jād threatened to resign from parliament if People’s Assembly Speaker Dr. Sa’d al-Katātnī continues to refuse debating his urgent statement on a crisis that followed an informal ‘urfī (informal) reconciliatory session decision to expel eight Coptic families from al-‘Āmrīyah area...
A state of disgruntlement was sparked among a number of Coptic Orthodox bishops who were absent from last week’s meeting at the Saint Mark Cathedral to discuss names of possible presidential hopefuls and others to represent the church in the constitutional assembly, according to a source inside the...
Participants in a conference organized recently by the Fellowship of Middle East Evangelical Churches (FMEEC) in the Lebanese capital Beirut called for all governments and organizations concerned to work hard to detect facts about what is going in the Middle East countries and enlighten the world...
The banished family of a notable Copt in al-‘Āmrīyah of the name of Abū Sulaymān opened fire on the locals who gathered outside the house of Murād Girgis, the young Copt who started all the trouble in the area, but his neighbors secured his exit with his property from the area. Sāfī ‘Abd al-Wanīs,...


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