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For the second day in a row, members of the Muslim Brotherhood have failed to mobilize  demonstrations in the first anniversary of Muhammad Mursī’s deposal. 
The Egyptian court's death sentence for Mahmūd Hassan Ramadān, who had admitted having thrown children from the rooftop during the Alexandria riots in 2013, was the first execution of a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood since its banning. 
Three officers claim that the wireless devices used in the Security Directorate of Alexandria were out of order which made them unable to receive SOS messages during the sectarian incidents which recently took place in Alexandria.
The article discusses of number of issues affecting the Coptic community in Egypt. It focuses on discrimination and divisive acts that lead to more splits within Egyptian society.
Truth has got one face. But every accident has hundreds of false faces. Egypt has become the target of malicious lie sellers who are praying every day in the temple of manipulation. One of them is the conspiracy of the truck against the Copts. Another attack comes through a highly selective way of...
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