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A statement issued by the Catholic Diocese of Minya, stated that there are no criminal suspicion in the deaths of 11 Copts who drowned in Rās Gharīb, the Red Sea. The statement pointed out that the victims were part of a trip organized by the church to Coptic monasteries in the Red Sea governorate
 After a three week journey abroad, Pope Tawādrūs II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the Holy See of St. Mark, returned to Egypt. During his trip, he consecrated a number of churches in the Netherlands, presided over a conference on immigrant Monks in Italy and opened a new church in Austria....
A description of a visit to the Convent of St. Dimyānah on the Occasion of the festival of Saint Dimyānah whereby Metropolitan Bīshūy provided the delegation with a detailed explanation of Coptic traditions related to the convent. Dr. Picard noted differences between the way Metropolitan Bīshūy and...
The efforts to revive the path of the Holy Family and restore all historical sites along the path didn’t stop at traditionally recognized sites only. Also the monastery of Saint Dimyana says it is located on the path of the Holy Family.
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