Displaying 11 - 20 of 100.
Māyā Mursī, President of National Council for Women, delivered a speech on the sidelines of the 64th Session of the African Commission on Human Rights in Sharm al-Shaykh, stressing the remarkable progress achieved in the field of woman empowerment and gender equality, and defining this year as a...
The NGO International-Lawyers.Org condemned Egyptian authorities for forbidding one of its members from attending the forty-sixth session of the African Commission for Human and Peoples' Rights held in Sharm al-Shaykh between 24 April and 14 May.
Archaeologist Dr. ʿAbd al-Raḥīm Rayḥān, general director of research and archaeological studies and scientific publishing in South Sinai, has presented a research paper entitled, “al- Wādī Monastery in Ṭawr, Sinai: a study of the architecture and artifacts recovered from the monastery,” which was...
Diana Sakakini [Diana al-Sakākīnī] was born in Milan, Italy, from the prestigious al-Sakākīnī family of Christian Syrian origins that has left indelible marks in Egypt as the majestic al-Sakākīnī Palace in Old Cairo testifies. She was educated in Italy but later returned to Egypt where her parents...
The Delegation of Egypt affirmed in the meetings of the 64th Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, that Egypt is committed to the implementation of the international conventions for combating human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants.
Director General of Research and Archaeological Studies and Scientific Publishing in Sinai and Lower Egypt and archaeologist, Dr. ʿAbd al-Raḥīm Rayḥān (Abdel Rahim Rihan) confirmed that Wādī Firān (Feiran Valley)  has been an untapped archaeological, touristic and environmental treasure so far.
  The Ministry of Tourism decided to include the Monastery of St. George the Martyr in its project to develop religious tourism in the Sinai, as the Ministry has also undertaken to popularize and attract more religious groups to visit Egypt.
Dr. ʿĀṭif ʿAbd al-Laṭīf, head of the Travelers Association for Tourism and Art and one of the organizer of the St. Catherine World Peace Forum dubbed ‘Here we pray together’ revealed the details of the forum’s program and its accompanying events. In his press statement on Monday, ʿAbd al-Laṭīf...
The Court of the Council of State in Ismaelia has ruled in the Saint Catherine Case that was earlier discussed by al- Fath to have experts travel to St. Catherine Monastery  in order to measure its area and decide if there has been any transgression over other areas as well 
Bishop Mūsá, Bishop of Youth in the Coptic Orthodox Church, condemned the terrorist attack that targeted a tourist bus in Tābā, South Sinai, which led to the death of four and injured 16 others, saying that it tarnishes Egypt’s reputation (Shaymā’ Faraj, al-Dustūr, Feb. 18, p. 5). Read original...


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