Displaying 21 - 30 of 39.
 It goes without saying that a comprehensive process for reformulating Egyptian politics is just around the corner. The last constitutional amendments have limited presidential terms to a maximum of four years, with candidates eligible to serve no more than two terms, and have stipulated the...
Today there's a new dawn in more ways than one. Yesterday was certainly an unforgettable momentous day, one that I never would have believed could happen. Returning from el Malek el Saleh on the Metro there were several young people with headbands of the Egyptian colours and one girl of about eight...
AWR provides a roundup of the latest Egyptian newspaper coverage of the investigation of the Alexandria church bombing on New Year's Day....  
This article describes a conference held in Sharm al-Sheikh organized by the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services. The director of the CEOSS, Nabil Abadir, stated that the purpose of the conference was to discuss “the tragic cultural dilemma Egypt is living through, hoping to build...
This article summarizes the effects of the flash floods on January 18th, 2010, throughout Egypt. Many were killed, and even more were displaced by the torrential rains. Many houses and buildings were also destroyed by the flooding. The flooding affected many places in the Sinai peninsula as well as...
Following a response from Dr. Hans Jansen which outlined the books that state that Sūrah 2:256 is abrogated, Hulsman and Dukhān investigated the issue further and researched the viewpoints of number of prominent Islamic websites as well as the opinion of Dr. ‘Abd Al-Mu‘ti Bayyūmī.
The following provides the transcript of an interview with Dr. Hālah Mustafá in which she discusses current affairs in Egypt and the recent character attacks she has had to endure.
Nabīl Zakī refutes the claims that Israel is a democratic and civilized state that accepts religious diversities, listing statements by Jewish rabbis as well as stances of Israeli movements that reject the existence of non-Jewish in Israel, which might nip any attempts of peace in the buds.
The article provides an overview of a number of stories that have headlined the Egyptian press as of late.
The article provides a list of articles on the reactions to the Sharm al-Sheikh attacks published in the Egyptian press.


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