Displaying 31 - 35 of 35.
Saad Eddin Ibrahim said that because he is currently being tried before Egypt’s Higher State Security Court on charges which include his lectures and writings on religious freedom and minority rights, including those of Egyptian Copts, his defense lawyer requested him to decline the invitation to...
The introduction of the Coptic researcher Hani Labib’s "Religious protection crisis.. Religion and the state in Egypt" is written by Prof. Mohammed Selim Al-Awa, an Islamic thinker. Labib believes that the most dangerous tool of globalization is religion. Religion is the most explosive and...
Editorial Board RNSAW:Drs. Cornelis Hulsman had been invited to give a lecture on his work for the RNSAW at a conference on "Media and Interreligious Dialogue" in Vienna, Austria on November 8 and 9. The conference had been organized by the International Press Institute in Vienna, the Department of...
For three days, Al-Khanka had lived in nervousness after a sit-in-strike, by Copts inside a Church which was closed ten years ago, threatened to cause communal unrest. The published report tells of the crisis, and the wise role of Pope Shenouda who was responsible for it ending peacefully.
This is a statement about the recent events of Al-Kosheh. Hundreds of cultured people in Egypt signed it. These people care about the country’s concerns.


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