Displaying 11 - 20 of 20.
Archpriest Girgis Jamīl of the Virgin Mary Church in the village of Mīt Bashār, al-Sharqia governorate, said the MPs of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), and mosque preachers successfully appeased angry local residents after a minor girl escaped and a number of Muslims...
The village of Mīt Bashār, Minyā al-Qamh township, al-Sharqia governorate, is gripped by tension after the disappearance of a Christian Girl called Rānyā, who reportedly converted to Islam six months ago and celebrated her engagement to a Muslim man 10 days ago. Local residents in the village said...
Rānyā Khalīl Ibrāhīm, the heroine of yet another sectarian trouble sparked recently in Mīt Bashār village, Minyā al-Qamh town, al-Sharqia governorate, said that she was not kidnapped and that she left her father’s home with her own free will. [‘Ādil al-Shā’ir, al-Shurūq al-Jadīd, Feb. 19, p. 6]...
This article sheds light on a celebration held in Zaqāzīq for the new Zaqāzīq and Minia al-Qamh’s bishop, Thymothous who was warmly applauded and who stressed the love, fraternity, and tolerance among Muslims and Copts.
The author highlights Bishop Timotheus of al-Zaqāzīq and Minia al-Qamh’s comments about conflict and love in the human soul.
Human rights centers in Egypt have stated that 27 sectarian events took place in the country in the last eight months. However, only four of these incidents were discussed in parliament. In addition many MPs believe that discussing sectarian incidents will only ignite more strife and add to...
Sectarian strife in Egypt has been a hot topic of contention in the media. The following article presents a synopsis of incidents that have occurred in Egypt in the recent years. The author considers the reasons behind these attacks, the similar situations that they share, that is attacks that have...
International Religious Freedom Report 2006, released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor.
A copy of the Group for Democratic Development and Andalus Institute for Tolerance and Anti-Violence Studies’ report on the Alexandria sectarian riots in October 2005.
A discussion of the number of Coptic candidates in the elections.


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