Date of source: Saturday, July 6, 2019
Egypt has a long history related to issues between Muslims and Christians. Apparently, this was the fundamental reason for creating that conference which is sponsored by the center of Arab-West Understanding in cooperation with a huge electronic English database about the religion’s role in the...
Date of source: Saturday, September 26, 2020
Anglican Archbishop Mouneer proposed the title Comparing inclusive Citizenship in Egypt with Europe. The comparison with Europe was important to the Archbishop since it is not all rosy in Europe, yet Mr.Belder chose to focus on Egypt alone.
Mr.Bas Belder is a former journalist for the...
Date of source: Saturday, July 6, 2019
A new problem has emerged in Egypt in recent days. It is about the freedom of Christian women in general to change their religion to Islam and the consequent possibility of marriage to a Muslim and the transition from a Christian family to a Muslim family. This is the background of tensions...
Date of source: Friday, August 12, 2022
The September 2020 Webinar “Comparing inclusive Citizenship in Egypt with Europe,” led to a discussion about the so-called Covenant of ʿUmar, also known as the Capitulations of ʿUmar, a 9th-century document prohibiting church building, the rebuilding of destroyed churches, and displaying a cross on...
Date of source:
[The text was written as a chapter for Freedom of Belief and Christian Mission, Edited by Hans Aage Gravaas, Christof Sauer, Tormod Engelsviken, Maqsood Kamil and Knud Jørgensen. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series, Vol.
Date of source: Monday, February 17, 2025
His Grace Bishop Awlūgiyyūs (Ologios), Bishop and Abbot of the Monastery of al-Anbā Shenūda (also known as the White Monastery or Athribian Monastery) in Sūhāg (Upper Egypt, South of Asyūṭ), has issued a statement regarding the recent fire at the monastery.
Date of source: Tuesday, November 19, 2024
According to the Ṭība Archbishopric for Coptic Catholics, a Christian man, along with other individuals, disconnected the power to a church in the village of al-Marīs, destroyed its gate, and stole items within.
Date of source: Tuesday, October 29, 2024
On 29th October, during a symposium, the Center for Egyptian Women’s Legal Assistance (CEWLA) met in the province of al-Minyā in Upper Egypt to discuss issues pertaining to personal status law of non-Muslims in Egypt.
Date of source: Wednesday, August 21, 2024
The Archbishop of the Coptic Catholic Diocese of Ṭība (Thebes), Anbā ʿAmānūʾīl ʿAyyād, participated in the Holy Book 2024 contest for elementary, preparatory, and secondary education.
Date of source: Sunday, September 1, 2024
On Saturday, August 31, Christian and Muslim locals in the province of Banī Sūwayf, located 115 kilometers south of Cairo, came together to fight a fire that had broken out inside the governorate’s archbishopric.