Displaying 281 - 290 of 878.
Al-Azhar al-Sharīf in Asyūṭ celebrated the 100th anniversary of the opening of the Asyūṭ Religious Institute, known as Fū'ad I Institute, in the presence of al-Azhar's deputy, Dr. ʿAbbās Shūmān, on August 9, 2017.
Archaeologists have called Fayūm "Little Egypt" as it resembles ancient Egypt in its terrain.
UNESCO World Heritage List includes seven Egyptian sites, divided into six heritage: The Monastery of Abū Mīnā, Historical [Islamic] Cairo, The Memphite Necropolis, Ancient Thebes, The Monuments of Nubia, and St. Catherine.  
On Tuesday, Miṣr al-Khayr Foundation signed a partnership protocol with the Episcopalian church to complete a project titled “Together to Develop Egypt” to train and qualify youth by a number of imāms and priests on the skills of accepting the other, connecting with youth, and spreading love...
On Saturday, September 30, 2017, a female South Korean tourist (36) was killed in Siwa, the capital city of a remote oasis in Egypt’s Western Desert with the same name. The victim was stabbed several times, by an Egyptian man (27) from Alexandria, whom she has been meeting in Cairo prior to...
The Coptic Evangelical Commission for Social Services organizes a conference next Monday in the governorate of al-Minyā, titled “Together Against Violence.” 
Her father was accused of betraying ʿUrābī and his revolution, and that he was a reason for facilitating the British to enter Egypt. She was also shocked by the death of her brother, who was the one who understood her most, despite her young age. When she was a child, she was forced to marry...
  In 1889 [translators note: this date is most likely a typing mistake, correct date unknown] in one of Damascus’ streets, I picked up a photograph of a blind Muslim named Muḥammad carrying on his back this disabled Christian dwarf named Samīr.
  A statement [released] on Sunday stated that the Egyptian Attorney General referred 48 defendants to the military judiciary for blowing up three churches in Cairo, Alexandria, and Ṭanṭa.
Pope Francis's first visit to Egypt is scheduled for April 28 and 29 will carry many political messages and economic gains, reflecting the stability and security of the country.


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