Displaying 261 - 270 of 292.
AWR collects information about problems around the Martyr Michael Church in Assiut.
Introducing Bishop Thomas Bishop Thomas is a man with vision. He is from a well-to-do Egyptian family and could have emigrated to the West but instead not only decided to stay in Egypt but the become a monk. One year later he became bishop of al-Qussia and he saw it as his mission to raising his...
A priest and two members of the church board of Taha al-‘Ameda died after an accident with a speeding car driven by a police officer in the early hours of Sunday May 2. Problems started after six meters of a poorly built fence the old Mar Mina church in Taha al-‘Ameda collapsed because of a strong...
Introducing and explaining the AWR logo. Report on the visit of the Hong Kong Council to Egypt, including their participation in the Palm Sunday celebrations in Sarakna.
In total secrecy, the Ministry of Interior released 100 prisoners and detainees from the Gama’a Islamiya, who have completed their prison sentences and detention periods. The Ministry made the released members sign a written promise that they will rejoin the trend within the group that believes in...
Christianity Today published a cover page article of Cornelis Hulsman about the Coptic Orthodox tradition of the Flight to Egypt. The article is presented in this issue of the RNSAW with permission of Christianity Today. You will find here the text before it was edited by Christianity Today. It is...
The death of six Christians from Al-Qussia, including a priest, in a bus accident . The Coptic Orthodox Church in Sawada destroying the church of Saint Dimyana for the sake of building a new church but meanwhile the altarscreen and other artifacts of the old church were lost. The removal of the...
This article gives an overview of the journey of the Holy Family in Egypt, by shedding light upon a book written on the subject by three writers specialized in Christian archeology, Egyptian religious affairs and the New Testament and history of the church.
Book review of "Among the Copts" by our board member Revd. Dr. John Watson. Mostyn writes "the Anglican priest and Coptic specialist John Watson notes: ’The inevitable struggle between Copt and Muslim is always bubbling beneath the surface of national life.’ The Coptic Pope Shenouda’s demagogic...
"Be Thou There" is a new book on the trip of the Holy Family through Egypt. It is an important contribution to the history of the Holy Family, and generally to the Christian heritage in Egypt. The three writers of the book and its editor are specialists in Christian archaeology, Egyptian religious...


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