Displaying 451 - 460 of 499.
The article gives an overview of three books appeared in 2003. These books are “Upper Egypt, Life along the Nile” edited by Dr. Nicolas Hopkins, “Christian Egypt; Coptic Art and Monuments Through Two Millennia,” by Otto F.A. Meinardus and “Jesus in Egypt; Discovering the Secrets of Christ´s...
The weekly mentions AWR´s work in organizing Holy Family pilgrimages. the purpose of the Holy Family pilgrimages is to create an understanding between different cultures. AWR wants to encourage the visits of expatriates to any of the Holy Family locations because this will greatly enhance their...
Bishop Marqus comments on Bishop Munīr’s text on “Christian minorities in the Islamic world; an Egyptian perspective.”
Some people choose not to discuss with arguments but slander people they disagree with in an effort to discredit them. This can be frequently seen in some Egyptian media. Some Coptic activists, such as Michael Meunier, president of the US Copts Association, are not much different in their behavior...
Cornelis Hulsman and Michael Meunier first met on July 1, 1999. Meunier followed a very aggressive tone of questioning but in the end they agreed to exchange information. It was Hulsman´s aim to engage in dialogue. He sent lots of background reports the RNSAW had produced on July 7. Meunier...
The Church is at a critical point and state, and the negative repercussions of such a state are creating fierce defensive reactions accusing those opening such portfolio traitors, heretics, and perpetrators. The patience and negligence of such internal problems led to an avalanche of events and...
It is agreed on that the route taken by the Holy Family in Egypt is the utmost Christian tourism of the world. What 1500 million Christians know about it, is limited to what they read in the book of Matthew. Driven by curiosity, tourists from Europe and America will come and that will represent...
The article is the result of a RNSAW-trip to Upper Egypt [RNSAW, 2002, week 25, art. 1] and sheds light upon the celebration of the commemoration of the Holy Family´s arrival in Egypt and on the different villages and sites on the route of the Holy Family. Bishop Demetrius of Mallawi said that...
The authors harshly criticize the Muslim Brotherhood’s attitudes towards women and Copts.
A copy of the Group for Democratic Development and Andalus Institute for Tolerance and Anti-Violence Studies’ report on the Alexandria sectarian riots in October 2005.


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