Date of source: Sunday, October 13, 2002
A German group visited the route of the Holy Family in Egypt as part of a wider tour throughout Egypt. The group was welcomed by Bishop Aghathon of Maghagha. The bishop thanked the Egyptian president for caring about places of tourism. He also stressed the good relations between Muslims and...
Date of source: Sunday, July 7, 2002
The article is the result of a RNSAW-trip to Upper Egypt [RNSAW, 2002, week 25, art. 1]. On the occasion of the arrival of the Holy Family in Egypt, the author recounts her experience of going on the route of the Holy Family with a group of foreigners and tourists led by Drs. Cornelis Hulsman. The...
Date of source: Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Memories of Dr. Otto Meinardus, and the position he took between two cultures, particularly in relation to his stance on Coptic Orthodox traditions.
Date of source: Friday, December 28, 2001
Christianity Today published a cover page article of Cornelis Hulsman about the Coptic Orthodox tradition of the Flight to Egypt. The article is presented in this issue of the RNSAW with permission of Christianity Today. You will find here the text before it was edited by Christianity Today. It is...
Date of source: Wednesday, September 12, 2001
This article gives an overview of the journey of the Holy Family in Egypt, by shedding light upon a book written on the subject by three writers specialized in Christian archeology, Egyptian religious affairs and the New Testament and history of the church.
Date of source: Thursday, January 25, 2001
Christian pilgrims on the route of the Holy Family were surprised last week to discover that the so-called worshipping tree in the Muslim village of Nezlet Abed near the pilgrimage site at Gebel el-Teir had been chopped into pieces by local farmers. Local Christians claim the tree was 2000 years...
Date of source: Sunday, June 11, 2000 to Saturday, June 17, 2000
Last May 31st, Ashmonein [a village in Upper Egypt] celebrates the commemorate of the Holy Family’s journey to Egypt. Ashmonein is the place where the Holy Family stayed more than one month, during their journey to Egypt.
Date of source: Sunday, April 16, 2000
Al-Ashmounain village in Al-Minya governorate is one of the main stations of the Holy Family. In spite of its historic importance, the security forces shut down the church in 1986 for "security reasons". What is really amazing is that when the people asked to re-open and restore the church, their...
Date of source: Sunday, November 28, 1999
An overview of all the sites of the Holy Family with an overview of where currently sites are being restored.
Date of source: Tuesday, June 1, 1999
The author points to the importance of Egypt in the Biblical history and that many of God’s great men once took refuge in Egypt. He outlines the Coptic tradition of the route of the Holy Family during their time in Egypt and suggests that the sites that were visited by the Holy Family should be...