Displaying 11 - 20 of 22.
  A statement [released] on Sunday stated that the Egyptian Attorney General referred 48 defendants to the military judiciary for blowing up three churches in Cairo, Alexandria, and Ṭanṭa.
Background:The first topic of this recording concerns a church’s plans to open an orphanage and the second is the chairman of the FPA in Egypt, Volkhard Windfuhr talking about a train trip organised for the FPA from Kharga to Safaga and his long-standing interest in railways.Side A:The speaker...
On November 28, the first round of the elections for Egypt's parliament (the People's Assembly or Majlis Al-Sha'b), start in Egypt. The Egyptian parliament will consist of 498 members. Of these, a third of the seats (166 members) are elected by absolute majority vote in their own electoral district...
Dr. Fatmah Sayīd Ahmad began the interview with Major General Abū Bakr al-Jindī, President of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), by asking that all the statistics that were prohibited former regime, related to the census of Christians and Nubians in Egypt, be made...
The article describes the release of two Coptic contractors who were charged with killing a young Muslim man at Abū Fānā monastery.
Watani recalls the clash between monks and bedouins at the Abu-Fana monastery in southern Egypt, and claims that injustice to the Christians has not been redressed.
Final results of the elections held on April 8 are pending announcement. The article discusses voter turnout, and the reactions of voters after the elections.
The article details the findings presented by the National Council for Human Rights on the condition of human rights in Egypt.
A frequently recurring problem has to do with religious identity, and specifically the documented religion of an individual oftentimes contradicting his actual religious practices. The article discusses this issue, and presents some specific cases.
International Religious Freedom Report 2006, released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor.


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