Displaying 61 - 70 of 124.
An investigation, carried out with help of AWR editor-in-chief Cornelis Hulsman, into the events surrounding the riots in Alexandria on Friday, October 21, 2005.
The sectarian tensions in Alexandria are linked by the author to the electoral campaign between Copts and Muslims in Alexandria.
I received an unsigned letter about a Coptic grievance. The letter is written in English with an Arabic summary. The title of the letter is “The injustices suffered by the Christian minority in Egypt.” The letter also reminds the reader of the raids conducted by armed Islamic groups against the...
This report presents the interviews with nineteen people, 18 Egyptians and one American researcher about the importance of the work of Arab-West Report, people of different backgrounds, Muslims and Christians, clergy and non-clergy, including scholars and human rights lawyers. Christian...
In a seminar organized by the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights, Copts talked about their human rights grievances. Many prejudices against Copts have recently come to the surface as seen in the events at Al-Kosheh village in Upper Egypt a couple of years ago. The incident in Upper Egypt showed...
AWR questioned LCHR about how they see their role in the defence of Egypt’s small farmers.
Bishop Paphnotius responded to questions of readers of AWR. The interview gives an update about the developments following the tragic death of the priest and two Christians of Taha al-‘Ameda after our report of May 6 [AWR 2004, week 19, art. 30]
The Court of Appeals reached its decision in the case of Al-Kosheh after examining the appeals made by the accused for the second time. The Court decided to uphold the verdict issued by the Sohag Criminal Court which sentenced the top suspect Fayiz Muhammad Abdel Reheem to thirteen years in prison...
Lord Carey, former Archbishop of Canterbury, Prince Turki of Saudi Arabia and others coming to Cairo for a lecture on Christianity and Islam. An article about the death of 21 Christians and one Muslim in al-Kosheh with comments of Bishop Marcos and Watani editori-in-chief Yousef Sidhom.
Text of a lecture for students and professors of different faculties at the University of Copenhagen, November 3, 2004, about plans to establish the Center for Arab-West Understanding in Cairo, Egypt. The text explains that intercultural tensions do exist but can be combated with good information.


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