Displaying 71 - 80 of 554.
After failing to reach a binding agreement over the Renaissance Dam in Kinshasa, Egypt and Sudan have intensified their rhetoric towards Ethiopia.  So, what are the remaining options to avoid all-out war? 
February 15, 2015, still and will always remain a vivid memory for every Egyptian, especially Christians. On this day, ISIS broadcasted a video clip of the slaughter of the kidnapped 20 Egyptian Copts at the hands of terrorism in Libya. President ʿAbd al-Fatāh al-Sīsī’s response was extremely firm...
Sudan has confirmed its commitment to continue negotiations on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) under the supervision of the African Union, demanding a greater role to experts to facilitate the negotiations and narrow the gap between the disputed parties.
The following text contains sensitive information and highlights various concerns from an Egyptian ambassador regarding foreign influence on political and environmental decisions and movements in Egypt.
It was a ten-day walk from the village of Erra in Eritrea to Sudan. Aman and Meron, are two students at the CAWU Learning center in Cairo. They left their family behind at age 14 and 17. Annually tens of thousands of Eritreans leave the country to escape the harsh compulsory military service. Just...
Egypt continues to intensify airlift flights to provide additional support to people in Sudan, as implemented by ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī, President of the Republic of Egypt, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.
The religious discourse that Islamic political groups, like the Muslim Brotherhood spread, includes problems of adopting fatwas [fatwā] for political legitimacy and subjecting the foundations of democracy to historically religious concepts. 
A number of experts confirmed that the reason for the failure of the last round of negotiations regarding the Renaissance Dam between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia lies in the latter’s obstinacy. In the negotiations, Ethiopia tried to convince its counterparts to sign a treaty that does not restrict...
The majority of Muslims around the world began to celebrate the holy month of Ramadan this Friday amidst a peak in the number of people infected with the Coronavirus. The virus prevents many believers from meeting their families or performing collective prayers in mosques, while some religious...
The crisis in Libya has led to an increase in tension between Egypt and Turkey. The relationship between the two countries has been difficult ever since the Egyptian coup d’état in July 2013, except for the economic exchange between the countries which reached 5.3 billion USD. 


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