Displaying 71 - 77 of 77.
At the outset of one of the most controversial trials here in recent memory, Egyptian academics faced the image of one of their own locked in a cage in a courtroom, on trial for harming the reputation of the country. The government’s charges against the prominent scholar, Saad Eddin Ibrahim stem...
The title "Muslims in the West" no longer expresses the reality, as the Muslims have become part of the west, within its borders and not outside them or against them. The millions who have moved started to settle, insure their children’s future and prepare to save their identities by building...
The village of Demtawa, which is one of the villages of the governorate of Al-Bahari, has a story with the Jews. In this village is the tomb of Abu Hasera which receives many pilgrims each year to celebrate the anniversary of his birth. What we want to know is the truth of Abu Hasera. Was he really...
In its attempt to remove the obstructions to understanding, and to pave the way for boosting confidence and cooperation between the Arab world and the European union, the Center for Peace Researches in Spain has started to issue a series of studies about the roots of clashes between Islam and the...
Subtitles: The Muslims: The apology is political and not religious. The Catholics: The Pope’s aim is spreading peace. The Orthodox: The apology represents a European vision and not a Christian vision. The apology declaration which was delivered by Pope John Paul II, the Pope of Vatican, during the...
The RNSAW has made excerpts of the annual report on International Religious Freedom for 1999 with a focus on religious freedom in the Arab World; Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab...
In the RNSAW of June 27 - July 1 1998, a translation was given of an article of Fikriya Ahmed in El-Wafd 27, titled ’The Dutch intelligence condemns Muslims in its annual report’. The RNSAW obtained the text of the summary of this report and translated it for our readers.


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