Displaying 51 - 60 of 83.
Badrān: Personal status laws are creating a new generation of children on the streets Doctor Hudā Badrān, the President of the Egyptian Women’s Union, said that Personal Status Laws are most focused on the role of the family, adding that the laws treat women as they were treated decades ago. She...
Bishop Būla, the representative of the church who quit the constituent assembly drafting a new constitution for Egypt, said the church has not authorized anyone to vote on its behalf over the draft. [Author Not Mentioned, al-Ahrām, Nov. 30, p. 4] Read original text in Arabic
The Coptic Orthodox Church’s Holy Synod unanimously named Bishop Raphael of Central Cairo Churches, who was one of the three finalists to the chair of Saint Mark, as secretary of the Synod instead of Bishop Bīshūy of Damietta. [‘Imād Khalīl, al-Misrī al-Yawm, Nov. 23, p. 4] Read original text in...
All eyes are set today (November 18) on the Saint Mark Cathedral in the Cairo district of al-ʿAbbāssīya to follow up the church’s celebrations of the enthronement of Bishop Tawāḍrūs II as the 118th Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church in succession of Pope Shinūdā III, who passed away in March, to be...
Right after the January 25, 2011 revolution, several phenomena and attitudes that require in-depth studying floated onto the Egyptian political playground. As far the Egyptian general Christian affair, Christian protest movements have become a significant indicative example.  
Which images and stories are to be trusted? Copts and Muslims being united in Tahrīr Square in January and February 2011? Coptic Orthodox Priest Father Yu’annis and Salafī Shaykh Hamdī cooperating in the Upper Egyptian village of Qufādah or those of October 9, 2011, with raging armored vehicles,...
  The atmosphere at Pope Shenouda’s farewell today was not what I expected. At first it was dull, and then sympathetically chaotic. Entrance to the church itself could only be secured with a personal invitation, so I made my way early to courtyard of the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral to witness the...
 Thousands of Copts descended on the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in ‘Abbāssīyah, Cairo on Friday, May 6, in response to a Salafi Muslim demonstration at the same location a week earlier
Around 300 Islamists rallied in anger in Cairo on May 6, 2011 over the killing of al-Qā'idah leader Usāmah Bin Lādin by US forces in Pakistan. The demonstrators were watched on by police as they gathered around a salafist mosque and unfurled a banner bearing a picture of Bin Lādin that declared he...
On 1 May protesters suspended their sit-in outside St. Mark's Cathedral in Cairo for 15 days. After the Friday Prayer, Cairo witnessed three separate protests staged by Salafists, calling for the release of Coptic women who converted to Islam, but were supposedly held against their will be the...


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