Displaying 1 - 10 of 12.
The New York Times Magazine published a detailed report about the torture and murder of ItalianPhD student Giulio Regeni who focused in his study on Egyptian street vendors’ union, “hoping to assess their union’s potential to drive political and social change.” He disappeared on the 25th of January...
One of the distinguishing sub-themes of the Egyptian revolution which began on January 25, 2011, has been the proliferation of Coptic movements.
Sanne Lundberg’s thesis was about the strong Coptic Christian perception of being discriminated, the interplay of this belief with religious beliefs, as well as
This report provides an overview of different human rights organizations in Egypt and th
On June 17, 1981 violence erupted between Muslims and Christians in the Cairo working class district of al-Zawīya al-Hamrā? in which at least 20 people were killed and hundreds others injured, giving reason enough for late President Anwar al-Sādāt to launch the notorious September 1981 detentions...
The differences between the monastery of Antonius and the Red Sea governorate were blown up in Western media, fired up by Coptic activists in the West. The monasteries wish for protecting peace and quiet in the area was understandable but their method of protesting is questionable. Egyptian...
A description of the history of the conflicts around the development of the convent of Patmos on the Cairo-Suez road. This text was written in May 2003 and presented to the Egyptian press center in the hope to get a response from Egyptian authorities. This response has not come.


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