Displaying 81 - 90 of 142.
During his recent visit to Cairo, Robert Satloff, the executive director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy [WINEP], attended two symposia at al-Ahrām Center for Political and Strategic Studies and the Center for Political Research and Studies at Cairo University. In his speech at the...
Text of lecture about a declining Christianity in the Middle East. Dalrymple compares between his travels in the mid nineties to when he collected material for his book ‘From the Holy Mountain: A Journey among the Christians of the Middle East,’ and recently travelled to the areas he had visited...
British author William Dalrymple showing rapid decline of Christianity in the Middle East. Episcopal Bishop Munīr Hanna Anis explaining the consequences of rumors in Muslim-Christian relations.
The author discusses what he describes as an anti-Islam campaign in the West, for which, he says, Muslims are partly to be blamed. He noted that Muslims and Arabs have changed their perceptions about Europe after successive clashes and attacks on its teaching in several European countries.
Subtitle:Bishop Bishoy "We are against fanaticism and fanatics, whether they are Muslims or Copts."The author has gone to meetings of Egyptians in the USA and found all to be loyal to Egypt. All Arabic papers published in the USA and Canada are convinced that the Jewish lobby is trying to damage...
An the Islamic-Christian meeting was held in the grounds of the Islamic dialogue committee aimed exclusively at discussing current events, from September 11 up until the American attacks on Afghanistan. The chief of the international council for bringing the Islamic denominations together said that...
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) issued a report titled "Egypt’s Al-Azhar Clerics: We declare war on America," The title implies that many if not most Azhar scholars declared war on America. Dr. Abdel Mo’ti Bayoumi stressed that this was certainly not true. He said that the report...
Interview about the opinion of the Coptic Orthodox Church on the attack on September 11 and the attack on Afghanistan. The bishop is criticizing Egyptian media and fears escalation.
The author expressed his sorrow at the fact that some of those who commented on the attacks in America viewed it as a disaster to Islamists, who were personified in an amazing way in Bin Laden, Qa’ida group and the Taliban ruling party. The reason for feeling sorry is that they expressed what they...
Dr. Nasr Abu Zayd is upset about the media debate on Islam in the West. Abu Zayd rejects the view that Islam should be held responsible for extremist attacks. The political discourse as reflected in Western media did not mind its language. The media debate on Islam is getting more entrapped in the...


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