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At the police station of al-Haram district in Giza, a police report has been bailed against ′Abd-al-Halῑm Qandῑl, the editor in chief of Sawt -al-‘Ummah Newspaper, and ′Isām Ismā′ῑl, the board chairman of the same. 
  The al-Haram Appellate Court of Misdemeanor will hand down a ruling in the September 12 session on the case in which top Egyptian actor ‘Ādil Imām is accused of disdaining religion. The first instance court had sentenced Imām to three months in jail and payment of a bail of LE100 (roughly $17).
On Friday, supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood continued to spread violence and chaos during their demonstrations. Meanwhile, the supporters’ march blocked Ahmad ‘Asamat Street in Ain Shams and they set afire many student checkpoints at al-Haram Street. 
UNESCO World Heritage List includes seven Egyptian sites, divided into six heritage: The Monastery of Abū Mīnā, Historical [Islamic] Cairo, The Memphite Necropolis, Ancient Thebes, The Monuments of Nubia, and St. Catherine.  
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