Displaying 11 - 17 of 17.
During his meeting with leaders of the Egyptian National Council for Human Rights, Congressman Frank Wolf raised yesterday the issues of Coptic persecution, Ghad Party leader Ayman Nour’s imprisonment and Sudanese refugees in Egypt.
The author discusses Samuel Huntington’s theory of the changing nature of global conflict and the clash of civilizations between the West and Confucianism and Islam.
Retired actresses are planning to work for Islamic satellite channels, and a number of shops are refusing to sell tight and revealing clothing just to make profit.
“Dying for the sake of God is our highest hope.” These words are part of motto of the Brotherhood. In fact, death is not the hope of any creature and those who die on the battleground did not regard death as hope. When you highest hope is death, you are then denouncing all the ideas of life, its...
A Brotherhood member who is also a member of a shooting club sent a message to several banks warning them about dealing with the current management board after he acquired a judicial ruling that the board had been formed in an illegal way.
The article sheds light on the danger of private mosques through the example of Sheikha Fifi. Together with a famous actress she built a mosque. She once invited Sheikh Amr Khalid to preach there and he accepted this. A mosque inspector claimed that the owners of private mosques are powerful people...
The founder of Al-Wasat party denied that Sheikh Amr Khalid had any relationship with the party and said that preventing Khalid from preaching was a fabricated groundless crisis. Essam Sultan said, for a short time, that Khalid was a Brotherhood member but, he then left the group completely.


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