Displaying 1 - 10 of 12.
This meeting took place in a hotel on December 12, 2012, only days before the referendum on December 15. The text in this report has been approved by both the SGP delegation and Dr. George Missīhah.
A film featuring the life of Mother Īrīnī is expected to cause a crisis between the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Protestants as it discusses debatable issues from an Orthodox perspective.
The author wonders why attacks target only Orthodox churches and not Catholic or Evangelical churches in Egypt.
The writer discusses the attitude of President Mubarak towards building churches in the light of establishing the church of the Holy Virgin at Al-Qanater Al-Khairiya, Qalyubia governorate.
The article sheds light on the history of Pharaoh Ramsis II claiming that he was not the pharaoh in the time of Moses and that the Jews did not built his city as they claim
“I believe the first problem is the construction of churches. What I am saying is that there must be a unified law in which the mosque and the church are equal…We are focusing on this issue and the constitution guarantees the freedom of worship. If we really want to observe and respect the...
Translation of an official document provided by H.E. Adli Hussein, the governor of Qalyubiya on March 20, 2001. The document lists the permits given by the governor to repair churches in his governorate. The now disputed church of Sandabis is also listed on this document. The governor approved "...
The Bishop of Shubra al-Kheima filed a law suit against the Governor of Qalyubiya, the head of the town council of al-Qanatir al-Khairiya and the General manager of social affairs of al-Qanatir al-Khairiya because of a piece of land belonging to the church being used to built a social services unit...
Nobody ever thought that the young man dressed in a suit and tarboush [head cover used widely in Egypt until the 1950’s], sitting in a cafe in [the city of] Ismailia with some of his friends, would be the founder of the biggest violent group in Egypt throughout the twentieth century. That was in...
The author quotes extensively from imam al-Baqouri who was known for his positive attitudes towards Christians.


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