Displaying 121 - 130 of 187.
It seems there is a great deal of confusion between the hijāb and the niqāb. Some believe that the niqāb is a religious obligation, which is totally wrong.
Although I am not in favor of the cultural explanation of the phenomenon of terrorism, the fake religious cloak this group is acting under spurs me to say that this destructive indiscriminate violence would not have spread if it there had not been a cultural background that churned out fanaticism...
Adel Guindy responded to Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim’s article “Islam Can Vote, If We Let It” [art. 5] saying that the article provides a good insight about what Dr. Ibrahim has been repeatedly telling high-level politicians in Washington D.C. and academics and media in the world’s main capitals for...
Islamic websites reported severe arguments and criticism regarding the leader of al-Qā‘ida, in Iraq, Abu Muscab al-Zarqāwī. The criticisms revolved around his justifications of killing innocent Iraqi civilians during his attacks on U.S troops in Iraq. He claimed that defending or preserving...
The Jordanian Abu Mus‘ab al-Zarqāwī justified that innocent victims are killed by booby traps and suicide bombers operations, by appealing to an old fatwa , which has become widely used once again.
News about the arrest of terrorist suspects all over Europe and the U.S. drew the attention to what is known as the dormant terrorist cells of al-Qācida
One-hundred fifty researchers, academics, politicians and experts from the US and 35 Islamic states attended the three day conference in Doha about US-Islamic dialogue. The forum discussed numerous aspects critical to the relations between the convening parties safter September 11th.
Imagined fancies of Islam promoted by delusive experts were illustrated in Andrea Lueg’s book titled "Islam the enemy, between truth and illusion." In the west, the image of Islam is influenced by the shocking pictures of news which we all receive everywhere; the image of "armed Muslims" who grasp...
The Algerian Ministry of Religious Affairs and Awqaf carried out an investigation into Christian missionary activities in the tribal area in Eastern Algeria. The investigation found that there is an active network involved in Christian missionary activities that extend outside Algerian lands.
There are dozens of Internet sites that propagate rumors made up by enemies of the nation, starting with Al-Qa’ida members and ending with the Coptic émigrés. Al-Maqrizi Center’s web site has recently spread a rumor about the President Mubarak’s health. That rumor was easily contained, but many...


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