Displaying 41 - 50 of 187.
Dr. Ḥasan Hanafī discusses the strategies followed to deal with Islamic groups and organizations.
The author discusses the belief that secularism is the only way of making headway and progress in the Arab world. He critiques Lafīf Lakhdar’s arguments, and considers how relevant they are in reforming Islamic society.
The author calls on international media and civil society to help in the promotion and protection of human rights in the Middle East.
The article discusses the issue of international terrorist groups working in Egypt and provides information on the group, its leaders and its policies.
The author discusses the rising trend of Islamists throughout the Arab world, and warns of the step backwards for democracy if electing a parliament ruled by Islamists.
The writer talks about the political role of Islamic groups in the Arab Muslim world in an attempt to answer the question: Is Arab democracy possible without Islamists?
The article explores the history of the Bedouin nomads, specifically the impact that their presence, settlements, traditions and lifestyle have had throughout the Middle East.
The article talks about a member of al-Qa‘īdah who spies for European intelligence. This double agent gives a detailed picture and secret information about what happens inside the al-Qa‘īdah camps, as well as information on Ūsāmah Bin Lādin and his men.
The General Prosecutor declared that Nawal al-Sa’adawi will be tried on June 18. al-Sa’adawi said that her expected trial was biased and wronged Islām and Egypt in general. She added that it was not plausible that she was going to be tried because of a misinterpreted interview.
Investigations into the activities of Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Director of the Ibn Khaldoun Center for Social Research, revealed new developments in the case. What the investigations and inquiries revealed is recounted in this article.


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