Displaying 131 - 140 of 282.
The author explains that there is a difference between true Islam and violent Islam adopted by members of the Qa´ida and other Islamic groups. He writes that Muslims should stand against this violent Islam.
The author reports an incident happened ten years ago about an American Jew who was caught in one of the mosques of Assiut. He was recording the preaching of the sheikh and taking some notes because he was preparing an important study on the effect of the Friday Sermon on worshipers. The author...
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The Minister of Foreign Affairs recently visited Assiut and the monastery of Durunka. He wonders whether the visit is related to the American campaign against Egypt because of claims related to the persecution of Copts.
The military court extended the detention of five fundamentalist members of the Jihad and the Gama´a Al-Islamiya groups. On other hand, the Brotherhood decided not to nominate their prominent leader, Seif Al-Islam, in the coming sub-election in Cairo.
The Church of the Virgin Mary in the village of al-Munshaa alKobra has been trying to obtain a building license for an old age home attached to it. However, the authorities deal with the building as a church building and not as an ordinary building. Thus the project should go along the road...
The Egyptian Supreme State Security Misdemeanor Court started the trail of Essam Hanna over the charges of contacting the FBI and promoting biased and false information concerning the visit of the American ambassador to Cairo to Assiut.
The problem of the unrestricted power of those high up in the Egyptian Church resurfaces once in a while. A situation in which a bishop has the power to dictate his orders at will, cause trouble for many people and still keep his position can have disastrous consequences for the church.
Many Egyptian Copts, whether educated or illiterate, believe in the blessings of saints… A girl, although has a bachelor degree in pharmacology, keeps a glass of water mixed with sand, known as "Father Yassa’s holy sand", in her bedroom. She drinks this water everyday although these beliefs have no...
The Church is at a critical point and state, and the negative repercussions of such a state are creating fierce defensive reactions accusing those opening such portfolio traitors, heretics, and perpetrators. The patience and negligence of such internal problems led to an avalanche of events and...


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