Date of source: Tuesday, September 18, 2001
The Anglican General Synod of Australia accepted a resolution speaking about persecution of Christians in Egypt. The resolution was accepted without consulting the Anglican bishop in Cairo or Anglican experts in England who are well acquainted with the church in Egypt.
Date of source: Saturday, July 21, 2001 to Friday, July 27, 2001
Rumors say that Pope Shenouda cancelled the celebration of his joining the monastic order because of the sad times the Church is living through due to Al-Nabaa crisis. Others believe that he did so as an attempt to get a stronger verdict against Al-Nabaa’s Editor-in-Chief. The correct explanation...
Date of source: Thursday, July 19, 2001
[This article is a follow-up of another article about the same subject. RNSAW, 2001, week 26A, art. 26] Bishop Dimitrious and priests in Malawi strongly deny the claims of the Australian Coptic Association Youth Branch that four girls from Malawi had been kidnapped.
Date of source:
Academic article on the impact of the Coptic lobby outside Egypt, a relatively small group of people who use the latest communication technology to increase their voice.
Date of source: Tuesday, February 27, 2001
The priest of the Hanging Church said that the State gives no allocation to the Church, which is only funded by the donations of its children. He denied that emigrant Copts send lots of money to the Egyptian Church. The pastor of the Church of Ain Shams said that the financial affairs of the Church...
Date of source: Friday, January 5, 2001
The author asked Pope Shenouda how we can debate with Jews in light of their greed? Can negotiations and debate achieve a positive result with them? And when? How can we make religions co-exist? Is Christianity really close to Judaism, because its belief in the Old Testament? Or are there...
Date of source: Monday, April 3, 2000
A questionnaire distributed in Egypt more than two years ago, to carry out a study of Egyptian society, raised many questions about the purposes and objectives of its composers as it contains a suspected hidden agenda and the methods of research seem to be contradictory. The research is being...
Date of source: Sunday, April 2, 2000
... the five articles that were published as a survey of the echoes of "The Statement of the Hundred" were intended to deal with a climate that existed and the Kosheh incidents showed this climate clearly.
Date of source: Wednesday, January 5, 2000
Coptic Orthodox Mass prayers of Christmas will be broadcast on both Al-Shabab Wa Al-Riyada (Youth and Sports) radio channel and local radio in Egypt as well as on a Sydney, Australia radio station.
Date of source: Saturday, December 25, 1999
Students of the Fine Arts Faculty in Zamalek discovered a new claimer to prophethood. The surprise is that he is a Black American, who spread his call - that consisted of four messages - in several foreign countries, then came to Egypt among a tourist group to spread his claims, and enjoy [his time...