Displaying 11 - 20 of 42.
Al-Sayid Rashād sheds light on al-Bahrah, one of the Shī‘ah sects. He traces their history in Egypt, other Arab countries and the world.
There are about ten thousand religions all over the world. This article ranks them in terms of number of religious adherents and describes where the majority of each religion is to be found.
The author discusses a reprint of a book by S. Stanley about Kuwait and Bahrain in the period 1907-1947. The introduction in the reprint was written by Dr. El-Romeihy who claims that Stanley and other Westerners were not in the Gulf to serve humanity, but to convert Muslims to Christianity...
This article discusses the historical origins of the Shī’ah - Sunnī conflict; now expressing itself in Iraq.
When first published, the “DaVinci Code” was banned from many Arab nations, including Egypt and Lebanon. The film version is now also being banned in many nations, but it will play in Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait and the UAE. There is a fear, however, that the censoring of the film may serve to increase...
In this interview, Dr. Yousuf al-Qaradāwī stresses the importance of the dialogue between religions and expresses his dissatisfaction with the current condition of the Azhar.
Due to taqīya, that is the concept of concealing of one’s true religious beliefs, the number of Shi’ ites in Egypt can not be exactly verified, however, estimates indicate that they do not exceed one percent of the total population.
The author highlights the different approaches in Da‘wa [preaching] applied by modern and traditional preachers, refering to the crisis of the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad as an example.
The speech of Drs. Cornelis Hulsman, director of the Center for Arab-West Understanding, on ’ Freedom of expression and respect for the other. How to respond if one is offended.’
The speech of Mr. Khalīl Ibrāhīm al-Thawārdī, Bahrainiambassador to Egypt, on ’Freedom of expression and respect for the other. How to respond if one is offended.’


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