Date of source: Monday, February 1, 2016
Daniel van der Meulen (1894-1989) deeply influenced the choice of Cornelis Hulsman to focus his studies on Muslim-Christian relations. This text describes the life and work of Daniel van der Meulen.
Date of source:
British Home Secretary Charles Clarke has not ruled out another wave of bombings. Prime Minister Tony Blair has said the persons involved in the recent 7/7 bombings in London have offended Islam by acting under the name of Islam.
Date of source: Saturday, May 5, 2007
Reviewer: Hānī Sa‘dEgypt calls on all the countries participating in the international parliamentary conference to avoid offending religions.
Date of source: Friday, October 18, 2002
unknown persons threw an arsonist bottle on a mosque in Melbourne, in Australia, and wrote expressions against
Islam on its walls. The manager of the Islamic Centre in Melbourne said that the incident was a reaction to what
happened in Bali.
Date of source: Friday, October 18, 2002
The USA is unable to provide the world with an objective view of how
to deal with terrorism. Each country is the most capable party of solving the problems of terrorism within its
borders. For this to be done, each country needs a space of freedom and justice to work in.
Date of source: Sunday, September 24, 2006
The new president of the Islamic Society of North America admonishes President Bush for using terms like “Islamic fascists” to describe terrorists responsible for killing Americans. She states that "terrorism, crime or violence" is a proper description for such attacks.
Date of source: Sunday, September 17, 2006
The fifth anniversary of 9/11 was a strong reminder of the continued war declared by Islamism against the world, and especially the “infidel West.” This article approaches some of the many questions that that have been raised by the war.
Date of source: Friday, June 23, 2006
The author of the article reports on a poll conducted by the AUC’s Adham
Center for
Electronic Journalism gauging Arab journalists’ views on current events.
Date of source: Friday, September 5, 2003
The author comments on an article by poet A.A.H. [Ahmed Abdel-Mo´ti Hegazi is meant] titled "We need a new fiqh." The article of Hegazi was published in Al-Ahram and tackled the issue of renewing the religious discourse. He argues against Hegazi´s proposal for renewing the religious...
Date of source: Saturday, December 24, 2005
‘Ādil Darwīsh believes that there is a common factor among Sydney’s "racial” demonstrations, France’s riots, the London bombings, the Madrid bombings and the murder of Dutch filmmaker, Theo Van Gogh. According to Darwīsh, in all cases, the big cultural gap between immigrants and natives has bred...